Get Expert Care for Recovery from a Semi-Truck Accident

Get Expert Care for Recovery from a Semi-Truck Accident

Semi-truck accidents can cause severe injuries like whiplash, fractures, spinal cord damage, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and internal bleeding. These injuries can be devastating and leave you in pain and unsure of what's next.

At Auto Accident Injury Doctors, we specialize in treating these complex injuries and helping you recover. Our goal is to guide you toward complete recovery and get you back on the road to good health.

Precise Diagnosis After a Semi-Truck Accident

The road to recovery starts with a clear understanding of your injuries. After a semi-truck accident, the force and impact can make it difficult to pinpoint precisely what's wrong. That's why at @Website.Name, we utilize a comprehensive diagnostic approach to ensure a precise diagnosis.

  • Detailed Medical History: We'll take a thorough medical history, including details about the accident and any pre-existing conditions.
  • Physical Examination: Our doctors will perform a comprehensive physical examination to assess your range of motion, strength, and any visible injuries.
  • Advanced Imaging: Depending on your symptoms, we may utilize X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs to get a detailed picture of your bones, soft tissues, and internal organs.
  • Neurological Testing: For suspected brain injuries, we may recommend specialized neurological testing to assess cognitive function and nerve damage.

By combining these steps, we can accurately diagnose your specific injuries and create a personalized treatment plan to get you back on the road to recovery.

Accurate Diagnosis for a Complete Recovery

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Semi-Truck Accident Treatments We Serve

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

This plays a crucial role in regaining strength, flexibility, and range of motion after injuries like whiplash, sprains, and soft tissue damage. Therapists will create a personalized exercise program to improve mobility and function.

Pain Management

Pain Management

Managing pain is essential for promoting healing and improving quality of life. This may involve a combination of approaches like medication (prescription or over-the-counter), injections, acupuncture, or massage therapy.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic adjustments can help improve spinal alignment and function, potentially reducing pain and stiffness associated with whiplash, back pain, and headaches.

Bracing and Immobilization

Bracing and Immobilization

Braces or casts may stabilize the injured area and promote proper healing for certain injuries like fractures or sprains.

Rest and Activity Modification

Rest and Activity Modification

While some movement is crucial for healing, excessive activity can hinder progress. Your doctor will recommend an appropriate balance of rest and activity modification to promote healing without causing further strain.



Therapeutic modalities like ultrasound, electrical stimulation (TENS), or cryotherapy (cold therapy) can be used to reduce pain and inflammation and promote tissue healing.

Why Choose Us for Semi-Truck Accident Injury Treatment?

Specialized Expertise in High-Impact Trauma

Our team has extensive experience handling the unique and often severe injuries sustained in semi-truck collisions. We understand the complex mechanisms of these accidents and how they affect the body.

Comprehensive Care Under One Roof

We offer a complete spectrum of services, from emergency care and diagnostics to physical therapy, pain management, and even chiropractic care. This streamlined approach ensures seamless communication and a coordinated treatment plan for optimal healing.

Focus on Pain Management & Your Recovery

We prioritize managing your pain so you can focus on healing. We utilize a variety of techniques to keep you comfortable throughout your recovery journey, while also developing a personalized plan to get you back to your full potential.

why choose us

Experience Personalized Care for Your Auto Injury!

Schedule an appointment or call us (813) 874-0444 directly to meet your needs.


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